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How to Measure Your Room Before any Upgrade?

Here is how you can measure your room before any upgradation

If you are planning to upgrade or customize your room, you will need to measure it perfectly before proceeding to purchase anything. Be it something for the walls, ceiling or flooring, you need the exact measurements in order to plan and properly remodel your home. This article explains the process you need to follow in order to measure your room accurately.

Read the complete article to learn how to measure your room!

If your room is square or rectangular, the job of measuring your room couldn’t be simpler.  All you need to do if it’s square is measure the length and breadth (just to check) and multiply one by the other.  So, if, for example your room is 10m x 10m, you have 100m2 of floor.  If your room is rectangular, again measure the length and the breadth and multiply one by the other.  So, a room which is 8m long and 12 m wide is 96m2.

For a room shaped like this:

You need to multiply 12m x 8m = 96m2

Then you need to work out your waste factor of 8% ie.  96m2 x 8% = 7.70m2

So the total flooring you need to order is 96m2 + 7.70m2 = 103.70m2

If you decide to measure your room and it’s not a regular shape, this is where things gets slightly more complicated.  For example, if you have an L-shaped room you should try to create a rough sketch of the floor layout.  Once you’ve done that, identify places where you can split the room into nice, clearly identifiable squares or rectangles.  In order to illustrate, in an L-shaped room for example, you should be able to create either two rectangles or perhaps a rectangle and a square, each of which you can measure in the same way as described above and then add the two measurements together to give you the total surface of your room.

Author: Jonathan Sapir

The complete article can be accessed via the following link:

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