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Cleaning Wine Stains from Your Carpet

How can you remove wine stains from your carpet?

Sometimes small accidents happen in the home in the form of breaking crockery or spills. Spills are dangerous, especially if they are of a coloured fluid and specifically if they are on a carpet or rug inside your home. If there is a wine spill on your carpet, the stain will have the same colour as the wine while it is fresh and will grow darker as time passes. In any case, the stain will not leave unless you do something about it. If the stain is fresh, it is easy to get rid of it and if it gets old, it can become a difficult task to remove it. This article explains how can you remove wine stains from your carpet.

Do you know how to clean wine stains from your carpet? No? You need to read the complete article!

Removing Fresh Wine Stains

If you’ve just spilled the wine recently, the first move is to gently blot it with paper towels to sop up as much liquid as possible. That won’t get everything, but wine absorbs into most carpet fibres very slowly, so time is still on your side here.

The next move is to use an appropriate substance to absorb the rest of the liquid that has begun seeping into the fibres. There are a number of options, but one of the cheapest and most readily available ones is simple salt! Salt is actually highly effective — just pour it generously all over the stain and give it at least an hour before vacuuming it up. If for some reason you have kitty litter in the house but not salt, you can use that too.

Removing Old Wine Stains

There’s no secret folk remedies that work magic here — a powdered sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate formula is going to do the best job possible. You can buy these in a number of brand names, but the one that is probably the most common and readily available is OxiClean. Just follow the instructions to make the paste, letting it sit for several hours to do its thing to loosen the stain from the carpet fibers.

Author: Mariah Harris

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